Tmux copy/paste in Wayland and X11 with the mouse

how to setup tmux to copy/paste in Wayland and X11 with the mouse.

2024-07-09 · 1 min · OneOfOne

Securing Neovim With Firejail

HowTo secure neovim with firejail

2023-10-09 · 2 min · OneOfOne

Neovim Biome Setup

A quick guide on how to setup Biome in neovim with lazy.vim, lspconfig and none-ls.

2023-10-06 · 2 min · OneOfOne

Setting up lsp + gopls + rust_analyzer in neovim

A simple setup for lsp + gopls + rust_analyzer in neovim using lazyvim. This assumes you already have lazyvim (or another package manager) setup. If you’re using the lazyvim starter, you can just add { import = "lazyvim.plugins.extras.lang.go" }, { import = "lazyvim.plugins.extras.lang.rust" }, to your ~/.config/nvim/lua/config/lazy.lua. Otherwise you can set it up with: ~/.config/nvim/lua/lsp.lua return { { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig', opts = { inlay_hints = { enabled = false, }, diagnostics = { virtual_text = { prefix = "icons" } }, capabilities = { textDocument = { foldingRange = { dynamicRegistration = false, lineFoldingOnly = true, }, completion = { completionItem = { snippetSupport = true, }, }, }, }, showMessage = { messageActionItem = { additionalPropertiesSupport = true, }, }, flags = { debounce_text_changes = 150, }, servers = { rust_analyzer = { settings = { ["rust-analyzer"] = { procMacro = { enable = true }, cargo = { allFeatures = true }, checkOnSave = { command = "clippy", extraArgs = { "--no-deps" }, }, }, }, }, gopls = { settings = { gopls = { gofumpt = true, codelenses = { gc_details = false, generate = true, regenerate_cgo = true, run_govulncheck = true, test = true, tidy = true, upgrade_dependency = true, vendor = true, }, hints = { assignVariableTypes = true, compositeLiteralFields = true, compositeLiteralTypes = true, constantValues = true, functionTypeParameters = true, parameterNames = true, rangeVariableTypes = true, }, analyses = { fieldalignment = true, nilness = true, unusedparams = true, unusedwrite = true, useany = true, }, usePlaceholders = true, completeUnimported = true, staticcheck = true, directoryFilters = { "-....

2023-09-24 · 2 min · OneOfOne

NATO Phonetic Alphabet Generator In Rust

A super simple NATO alphabet generator.

2023-09-08 · 3 min · OneOfOne

Configure vim-go (gopls) the easy way

An (outdated) guide to configuring vim-go (go-pls) in neovim.

2021-07-15 · 1 min · OneOfOne

Why is Trump bad for humanity?

The fight against Trump isn’t political, it’s a fight against someone who’s trying to build a cult of followers and destroy the environment and our health. Health Trump gutted the CDC’s pandemic team by two thirds. src Trump knew about COVID-19 before January, refused to warn the public and warned wallstreet investors. src src Repeatedly ignored doctors and scientists, spread misinformation about masks, gutted the CDC even further and ignored the WHO’s recommendations while promoting a medicine that has been proven infective....

2020-10-24 · 2 min · OneOfOne

Go Vote Blue T-Shirt

My wife and I watched the debate, and well, it was a bad joke, while Biden was the clear winner over the other guy, it was just bad all around. My wife said I should make us something “geeky” and so I made a t-shirt because why not. I first made it just for us, but figured might as well share it. t-shirt on etsy.

2020-10-04 · 1 min · OneOfOne

Go / Go2 scratch script (or a quick local go playground)

A little script for a local go playground.

2020-10-04 · 2 min · OneOfOne

ThinkOrSwim Java-8 Launcher

ToS java8 launcher script.

2020-10-04 · 1 min · OneOfOne